The Power Of Sound Meditation – Everything you need to know

Sound Meditation
In sound meditation people do meditation by using sound as a tool to cultivate and support deep relaxation. In such meditation the ultimate goal is to create a gentle, yet powerful, experience that heals the body, clears the mind and helps rein your attention to the present.

What are the different meditation tools?

There are several different types of energy healing tools one can use to achieve better relaxation. Those tools can mostly be found on Shambhala Healing Tools website. Some of those tools include: etheric weavers, personal solar forms, head pyramids, meditation vajras, healing mat systems, meditation pyramid systems. The tools mentioned have different effects throughout meditation. Etheric weavers can be held over different parts of our body to perform healing, receiving energy recharge for example. Healing mat systems have electromagnetic pulse and make meditations more comfortable. Different tools based on metal & color properties have different effects on our bodies. More on specific effects of tools can be read on Shambhala Healing Tools website.

What is Sound meditation?

Sound meditation helps with shifting our brainwave state by using mantras, music. Certain types of sound in music, mantras synchronize our changing brainwaves. Mantras, music provide a frequency to which our brainwaves can attune to. Rhythm and frequency can attune our brainwaves from beta state (normal waking consciousness analytical) to alpha (creative consciousness), and to theta (meditative state or consciousness between sleep and awakened states) and delta (usually connected to deep sleep where deeper healing can occur). Just as breath is used to regulate our shift of brain waves in meditation, the same can be achieved with sound as frequency is a catalyst for the shift in brain waves states.

Different Tools & Techniques of Sound Meditation

Mantra chanting, playing an instrument, and passive listening could all be used as different techniques of sound meditation.

You can use music during meditation to raise your consciousness by shifting your brainwaves to higher frequencies. You can use any of these sounds for meditating: Tibetan Sing­ing Bowls, Tuning Forks, Chime, Drum, Gong, Harmonium etc. You can meditate for a few minutes at first to get used to the idea of meditation and then continue doing it regularly.

Most easy way to integrate sound healing into your meditation is through listening to healing music, certain sounds, mantras in the background.There are millions of options for what kinds of music will resonate most with you. Whether they could be sounds from nature, mantras or space music, singing bowls, chanting of OHM – that can all be found online. When listening to mantras, music, other sounds try to pay attention to your breath. If your mind is running away, bring it back to the sounds or breathing and allow that to be an anchor that helps you through the meditation. Revolving your meditation around sound just like around breath can be a reliable center for one’s wandering mind. Eventually the mind becomes a servant of consciousness through meditation, as it gives in to the process of an observer. When we focus on a journey rather than an end result our meditation adventure becomes an easy hike. Just like a hiker focusing on a trail versus a viewpoint he is going to reach. Meditation is a non linear experience and mantras, music, sounds are just other ways to diffuse our wandering minds from conceptual thinking, old habitual emotions.

Tips for Beginners – Sound Meditation?

Tips for beginners, Instead of vocalizing a random note or tone, mantra chanting involves certain notes and words with various meanings, intentions behind them.There are endless mantras you can choose to chant with different meanings and lengths on Youtube that will resonate with you.You can make chanting a part of your morning or evening discipline to tune into your breath and body. By integrating sounds into our morning, evening routines, a more relaxed meditative state can be achieved. Certain intentions behind the mantra can also be a way to manifest more of what you desire in life. Just as the feeling of gratitude has a high vibration frequency to attract abundance, by appreciating what you already have in your life.