Meditation Classes

Meditation Classes in Austin Texas

Meditation class is a mixture of teaching about different subjects related to topics of meditation, metaphysics, consciousness. Throughout meditation class you will learn about energy healing tools, raising self awareness through slowing brainwaves, chakras as vortexes of energy, awakening heart center electro magnetic energy, DNA connection to energy through bio acoustic and bio electric reception/transmission, quantum field relation to manifesting our destiny, neuro scientific findings on brain heart coherence to improve overall health, breathing and visualization throughout meditating, body movements to awaken dormant energy field.  After teaching on variety of related subjects the student will experience meditation with energy healing tools, mantra music.   The classes last for about 30 minutes of teaching and 30 minutes of meditating. Group meditating is possible up to size of 4 people maximum. Meditation classes are free to attend at our meditation center in Austin. If unable to attend a class students may also learn through 25 minute youtube video posted on the website: Antons meditation guide how to meditate

Some FAQ as following:

Q: How much to charge for meditation classes?

A: Meditation classes are free and last for about 30 minutes.

Q: What are meditation classes?

A: Meditation classes are the mixture of mental & physical exercises. Meditation classes will allow you to unwind your mind and return home relaxed and refreshed. These classes allow you to access different meditation tools at no cost. For more detailed information you can join  our 30 minute free meditation classes. 

Q: What to bring to meditation class?

A: Just bring your Yoga mate if you have nothing else you need to bring there.

Q: What to wear to meditation class?

A: You can wear yoga clothes or any comfortable simple clothes like track paint, track suit, t-shirt, bottoms etc. Avoid jeans, office suits, etc.